Must-Know Cell Phone Facts

UPDATE: this article just came out, confirming the same thing on this post that I created a year ago ———————original article here: TIME magazine in it’s June 2011 issue on pages 58-59 discusses new research on cell phone use and radiation affecting the brain.  The article made five recommendations, one of them being... Read More

What is MSG? It’s in almost everything in a package and its bad.

This page has important information about how you can live the longest, healthiest life (by avoiding MSG).  Nevertheless, please do not panic.  Everyday and every breath, simply do the best you can to take care of yourself.  Do what you can.  Recognize our food choices exist in a “marketing environment in which billions of dollars are spent to convince us that nutrition advice is so confusing, and eating healthfully so impossibly difficult,... Read More

Grief Toolkit: Helpful Phrases

My hope is that anyone experiencing deep grief can somehow encounter my “grief toolkit” here.  I am going to list the tools that I used as I was with my husband, Roger, during his cancer diagnosis.  These tools aren’t a panacea for grief.  The truth is that, quite possibly, if you are the grieving person, the emotions that you are experiencing are the most intense and painful that you have ever known.  This can be if you are grieving... Read More

Grief Toolkit: Strong Back, Soft Front

My hope is that anyone experiencing deep grief can somehow encounter my “grief toolkit” here.  I am going to list the tools that I used as I was with my husband, Roger, during his cancer diagnosis.  These tools aren’t a panacea for grief.  The truth is that, quite possibly, if you are the grieving person, the emotions that you are experiencing are the most intense and painful that you have ever known.  This can be if you are grieving... Read More

Video of a 4 Year-old McDonalds Hamburger

**Fast food picture-credit to SteFou!   I was peeling an organic kiwi when I realized the absurdity of the phrase that I frequently hear: “Eating healthy takes too much time.”  The kiwi was from New Zealand.  (This fact made me think about the SlowFood movement and the debate about buying local vs. organic…a debate that I remain undecided about.  Do you know that one acre of strawberries uses 500 pounds of pesticide?) ... Read More

About Death

*** Our Culture Makes Death Taboo In modern society, death is like sex in that it is generally not a topic that is okay to openly discuss.  (I think society’s attitude toward death is one reason why veterans feel isolated.)  If you want to discuss what it “means” to you “to die,” people might quickly judge that you are “morbid” or “overly focused on death unnecessarily.”  THAT is the first... Read More